Users want to be able to specify a date and if the date control resembles something they are familiar with (i.e. a calendar) then even better. From what I’ve experienced being able to supply a date as quickly as possible doesn’t come into the equation with most non-technical users. That being said, users do not want to waste time trying to operate an unwieldy date control. They want to supply a value in as many steps as few steps they can conceive in their minds.
Developers and experienced computer operators (data entry personnel, power users) tend to want to do things as quickly as possible. This is at odds with user experience. This is also me. I can type over 120 words per minute. Most users can't. Remember that.
Application Platform
Where the application is running has a big impact on how the user is going to interact with the date control. Console applications obviously are going to use a keyboard mechanism. GUI Applications are a mixture of keyboard input and mouse control depending on how many fields need to be supplied. Web applications are mouse driven, and mobile/pda applications are pen driven (essentially mouse), arrow-navigation driven or touch pad.
The type of mouse also impacts usability of a date control. Touch pad mouses and nub mouses are a different user experiences than the standard hand-held mouse.
Date Selection
The types of dates the user selects is also important. How far in the past will the user be selecting a date? If it is a web-site where someone must be 18 years or older or an student records application that requires the date of birth, the date control is going to require the user select a year at least 18 years to something old like 30 (kidding, I mean 40… no 90.)
Are the dates in the past even allowed? Travel booking sites would rather you booked in the future. Does the user need to select a second date based on the first? Can the user supply a partial date? Is the user required to include a range of dates? Simple date range selection is non-trivial whilst keeping it simple, intuitive and aesthetic.
The Options
There are many examples of date controls out there, so I’ll try to provide a real live example of each one.
Drop Down City:

To be honest I had a worst example available but thankfully I can't seem to find it on google (if I can find it again I will post it as it was atrocious. Note to self: bookmark epic failures under "hindenburg"). To be honest it's one of the few times I have been glad to not find an example. A friend told me Immigration Australia had a drop down city control but I couldn't find it either. FYI Some aspects of their site are rubbish and I'll post that under at separate topic in a day or two once I collect my thoughts.

Above, the wordpress one isn't great. Personally I don't like it. Too many controls for something that could be done visually. Furthermore, the month selector doesn't always respond to user input forcing me into mouse input. Some may claim that this is a browser or OS issue. News Just In: The user does not care what you think, only what they experience.
Anyway, back to my original impressions: for starters, lots of drop downs look hideous. Secondly to select a specific date the mouse user has to click on a variety of drop down controls and then the keyboard user must supply some other values. A date control should support either all keyboard or all mouse and preferably both.
Single Box Date Control
Examples: (seriously, I had several examples planned. Perhaps people learn. I know I do so it's entirely plausible. When I find a relevant example again I will so post.). Anyway you have all seen it. The 12 character input control with '/' for dividers!
This option is the equal fastest date control for keyboard users and not usable at all for mouse users. However if you have a number of text fields before this date control then having a keyboard only field, I feel, is OK. The user will already have two hands on the keyboard at this point and it is only a
If the user has to take their hands off the mouse just to use the date control then this option is not a good choice.
This option is not aesthetically pleasing unless there are similar looking input controls near by.
Triple Box Date Control
The other fastest date control. Depending on the look and feel of the user interface this option can be aesthetically pleasing. It can also be ugly [here]. This date control is functionally similar to the single box control,
One caveat with the three box date control is that you will need to make it clear which box is for the month and which is for the day. US date controls tend to be month first while day first is common in countries like the UK and Australia.
The most visually appealing date control, the calendar gives the user a date selection control akin to the calendar on their desk or on the wall in their garage. This is a good thing. Your average non-computer literate user can work a calendar with ease. Unless implemented correctly a calendar is also a nightmare for date selection within a few months or a few years.
This website (Dynarch) has a calendar control on the right hand side. It works fairly well, its an odd concept to work in even years on the right, odd years on the left. Personally I don't like it. To find 2012 I have to go to 2013 and then back a year. Too much work, I would rather scroll than have to click on one side of dialogue and then click on the other side to fine-tune my search.
Still kudos go to them, because the calendar control is trying. My only other criticism of Dynarch is the word "Today" is in the middle of the control, it implies that the current date selected is today, like it is on my physical desktop calendar. It doesn't mean that. It means go back to today. This threw me off. With anything there is a usability vs education issue, personally that text should give a short hand notation of today. Quicklinks should be included below the control with other concepts like "next week", "next month". Depending on your content (always, of course).
To make a calendar usable for larger date ranges the following features need to be supported:
- Click on the month to activate a dropdown control to select a month. The month should open on June/July so that there is minimal distance to move to the desired month.
- Click on the year should allow the user to control the year more easily. I see couple of different options implemented here.
- Up Arrow / Down Arrow – this is a bad idea. Your date control should already contain double arrows for going forward or back one year
- Enter a year, this is useful if the year is a long way away from the current year
- A year slide. Looks like a drop down menu with about 5-10 years visible above and below the current year. At the top and bottom are two buttons for scrolling. These should be on-mouse-over activate or click-and-hold activated.
Other usability requirements that are a must:
- Let the user know that if you click on the month your can select a different month. The same applies to the year. Users rely on your visual feedback to let them know what is wrong and what is right within the confines of their education. Step outside those bounds and you lose. I've done it, you've done it. Don't be ashamed, realise a mistake and move towards the user.
What isn’t good for calendars? Scroll bars are a bad idea. It is far too difficult to find a specific year using a scroll bar. On one application I tested each scroll click moved 50 years.
Here is an example of someone that is pretty darn close:
They're date control only misses the need for auto-scroll one year, and supply forward one year, back one year options.
Some Other Thoughts
Do you need a date control? Seriously. For the beta registration page for No Horizons we used an age attribute. We don't really care about the specifics of someones age as long we could gather their age. This is very valid for websites where someone must be 18 years or over? Seriously, making someone work a serious of dropdowns and input controls to state they're 18 is ridiculous. A simple "I am N years age" where N is a supplied value is just as effective. To memorise: understand your demographics.
Much like piracy "cautionary messages" the only people you hurt are the people who do the right thing. Pirates leave off such messages when duplicated films and people who enter your site underage, etc, are lying.
So what is the best date control? It really depends on the application environment, whether dates are optional, but generally you should try to provide both, the input box input as well as the calendar. A set of input boxes for the keyboard users, this is especially relevant if you have a number of input fields that the user can supply. For visual applications and especially web or mobile applications you should provide calendar functionality.
Bonus Content: Date Ranges
Asking the user to specify date ranges is a non-trivial task. Often I am expected to supply a start and an end date. This is fine if I know the specific range I am searching. If I don’t then it’s trial and error until I do. A better solution is to provide that functionality for users that do know the date range as well as functionality for those that think in terms that users are familiar with. "It was last week" or "I am pretty sure it was in January" are concepts the user understands. Hell, as a developer/tester it's a concept that I think in.
Being able to search one to four weeks ago, and then in terms of months or years is more ideal. Show me all emails sent between June and August last year. That’s closer to how users think and it’s a lot easier to do than, show me all emails from the 01/06/2007 till the 31/08/2008. It’s a subtle difference but one the users prefer.
How would you implement this? You can allow partial dates in your input boxes for keyboard users. Secondly, you can let people double click on the month header to default to the first of that month and then close the window. Furthermore, quick options, like “last week”, “this week”, “this month” are handy shortcuts that make life just a little bit easier.
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