Tuesday, April 8, 2008

QuickTest and CruiseControl for Continuous Integration

Originally I was working on the QuickTest CI setup with CruiseControl.NET (will work just as well for .java). This never got this completed for obvious reasons, but I thought I would share my notes with you.

Here is my original post detailing the qt2NUnit xsl and QuickTest structure

You need to launch QT remotely and I suspect this is more involved than what Grant did with TeamBuild. Look at what he did, and here is a reference to someone who executed QT remotely. I recommend using Grant's C# code to correct the repository references at run-time.

After that you just need a NAnt task to transform the results.xml doc. Here is a quicktest.build Nant task.
Then merge the results with your other result files. This works well if you have unit tests being produced in the same format. All the tests cases live together in harmony. This is a good thing.

Here is an excerpt of the publishers node within a CruiseControl build file.

You should now do some cleanup of temporary files, etc.

Note: Apologies for the images of xml. Blogger chucks a hissy fit if you include xml markup inside a post. What is this? The Nineties?

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