Originally I was working on the QuickTest CI setup with CruiseControl.NET (will work just as well for .java). This never got this completed for obvious reasons, but I thought I would share my notes with you.
Here is my original post detailing the qt2NUnit xsl and QuickTest structure
You need to launch QT remotely and I suspect this is more involved than what Grant did with TeamBuild. Look at what he did, and here is a reference to someone who executed QT remotely. I recommend using Grant's C# code to correct the repository references at run-time.
After that you just need a NAnt task to transform the results.xml doc. Here is a quicktest.build Nant task.

Here is an excerpt of the publishers node within a CruiseControl build file.

Note: Apologies for the images of xml. Blogger chucks a hissy fit if you include xml markup inside a post. What is this? The Nineties?
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