I’ve been looking for half an hour, to the point I’ve looked into the shower.
I’ve searched high and low, left and right. In a bank of snow, with and without light.
I’ve looked far and wide, deep and shallow. Under my feet and, under my pillow.
So if you see my keys then let me know. A reward you will see, to work I will go.
To ease my thoughts and waste my time. I had a coffee and wrote this rhyme.
I’ve searched high and low, left and right. In a bank of snow, with and without light.
I’ve looked far and wide, deep and shallow. Under my feet and, under my pillow.
So if you see my keys then let me know. A reward you will see, to work I will go.
To ease my thoughts and waste my time. I had a coffee and wrote this rhyme.
I think it took a few days to find my keys. They had fallen down the back of one our La-Z Boy chairs and had gotten caught in the internal framework. This meant that they couldn't be found by putting your hand down the side of the chair, nor could they be seen by lifting the chair off the ground. Fun!
Have a good weekend!
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