Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cold Beer

If you come home from work and want a cold beer, but like me you have none in the fridge. This little tip will get you going in a just a few minutes.

  1. Take one beer
  2. Take a glass and rinse it inside and out with cold water (refrigerated, filtered water if you have it)
  3. Open freezer, pop both in.
  4. If you have "quick-freeze" turn it on
  5. Wait 10 minutes (freezer times will vary, but 10 should be plenty)
  6. Open freezer get chilled glass out (in my case ice had well and truly formed)
  7. Take beer out (it won't change temperature much but it's better than nothing)
  8. Take glass out
  9. Close freezer
  10. Pour beer into glass
  11. Drink that tasty beverage and enjoy the few minutes left of St. Patrick's Day

  • I think the glass being upside down will chill better than right-side up. Its a tough call between ice the rim over and having a greater surface area of the glass exposed to the chilled air.
  • The number of items in the freezer will change the chilling time. Wedge the bottle and glass between a few packets of peas and corn and you'll be ready in two shakes of a lambs tail.
  • I used an empty freezer as I have no food... well nothing that requires freezing.
  • This really only applies to warm climates. If its sub-zero outside, enjoy a dram of whisky.

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